Wood Chips - White Birch Paper

Fiber Supply Policy

An environmentally responsible approach

White Birch Paper understands the environmental, economic and social values of forested lands. We are committed to fulfilling our customers’ needs while supporting responsible stewardship of natural resources. As a result, we have a responsibility to our employees, customers and other stakeholders to ensure that our products contain wood fiber that has been responsibly managed and harvested.

Chain-of-custody processes

To protect natural resources and long-term biodiversity, White Birch paper has implemented a chain-of-custody process that allows us to trace the fiber we use back to its origins in forests. This process helps ensure that all our fiber supplies come from forests that are managed for sustainability and that they are in compliance with the rules and principles of forest management.

We also implement our best efforts to avoid trading and sourcing:

  • illegally harvested wood,
  • wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights,
  • wood harvested in forests where high conservation values are threatened by management activities
  • wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted
  • wood that is harvested from forests that are converted to plantation or non-forest use
  • Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principals and Rights at Work

Fiber sourcing principals

White Birch Paper believes forest landowners have an important stewardship responsibility and a commitment to society, and they recognize the importance of maintaining viable commercial, family forest, and conservation forest land bases. They support sustainable forestry on forestland they manage and promote it on other lands. They support efforts to safeguard private property rights, and to help all private landowners manage their forestland sustainably. In keeping with this responsibility, White Birch Paper supports the following principles:

  1. Sustainable Forestry
  2. Forest Productivity and Health
  3. Protection of Water Resources
  4. Protection of Biological Diversity
  5. Aesthetics and Recreation
  6. Protection of Special Sites
  7. Legal Compliance
  8. Research
  9. Training and Education
  10. Community Involvement and Social Responsibility, and respect for Indigenous Rights
  11. Transparency
  12. Continual Improvement
  13. Responsible Fiber Sourcing